
This weekend and this month we are celebrating INDEPENDENCE at Soul Purpose. This makes me proud because independence whether it be financial or emotional can be truly liberating and empowering. I used a quote in a message from our 32nd president Franklin D Roosevelt.

True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

I believe that what we are doing at Soul Purpose can really help people in their quest for independence. We have created beautiful products, an empowering business opportunity and a beuatiful and supportive community of entrepreneurs.

We had wonderful celebrations around the country this weekend and we were blessed with many new community members, to God, we give all of the glory. We are blessed!!!

This month I am also celebrating my 100 pound weight loss. I still have another 60 pounds to go but I am grateful for the first 100. I did a new photoshoot a few days ago and have some new photographs. I have to continue my health and wellness regime but getting away from a toxic work environment and toxic relationships has made all of the difference.

I believe that practicing what we preach is important but Soul Purpose has been a remarkable blessing to me and has given me the confidence to be all that I can be. This evening while writing this blog, I received a call from a wonderful woman Marie Freeman from Maryland. She called to say hello and let me know how proud she was and happy for me with my accomplishments and weight loss but she also shared her testimony about her health struggles. Her story is inspiring and I feel so blessed that she reached out to me and so touched and humbled by her story.

I am grateful for my life and blessed to have a soul purpose. Thank you for "being in the water' with me. Welcome to all of our new Lifestyle Entrepreneurs!
Have a tremendous weeked,


Hey My Sista' Lady Nadine,

You are looking juicy, girl! Discovering your soul purpose has brought you prosperity in your health as well. You are an inspiration.

The new digital catalog is beautiful, just like you said. And, I know I have said this before, but the graphics in all the communications and materials are so hot my finger tips are bruised. I just love the elevation of your new company SOUL PURPOSE LIFESTYLE COMPANY! I feel blessed to be a part of it and can't wait to see the fruits of all of our continued labor.


Audrey Wiggins #660
Warrensville Heights, Ohio
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your new found joy and new figure. Have you ever thought about shaving cream/gel for the product line?
Lady Jay Soul said…
Hello Mrs Thompson
I am Carla one of your visionaries. YOU LOOK GREAT!!! i am behind on the times. How did you do it if you don't mind me asking. I am in need of Gastric Bypass or Lapband , but I can't afford it yet. I am so happy for you. I am very proud....again You look great

Carla Young

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