Dear Soul Purpose community,
It is with tremendous pride, joy, enthusiasm and honor that I share this terrific news with each of you this evening. Although I am beaming with pride it is really a tribute to the power of the vision of Soul Purpose. A vision that the most seasoned professionals, those whose responsibility it is to recognize potential and professional integrity recognize. Let us take care now to make sure that we recognize and embrace it as well. In this season of thanksgiving let us show our gratitude by manifesting the power of this potential.
Soul Purpose entrepreneurs, in less than 2 years we making headlines, we are being recognized for our potential. Let’s share these products and share this empowering opportunity, we are indeed the ones we’ve been waiting for.
Much love,
Nadine Thompson
Founder and CEO Soul Purpose Lifestyle company

I would like to end by quoting my husband, “it’s a good month to be Nadine”.


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