I just returned home from seeing the movie Julie Julia, what a wonderful and delightful movie. It made feel re-energized to work on my blog and to continue my passion for cooking. I love to cook and I love to garden, I love my children and I love Soul Purpose!!! Life is sweet!!! We all have so much to be grateful for and having good relationships are key to our sustainablitly. Do something that you love doing this week.
Your Soul Purpose on Sunday Morning
Happy Sunday Morning! I woke up this morning to new postings on the blog with some pretty incredible people sharing about their soul purpose. While I know that I may be emotional at this time in my life, I must admit that I was weepy when I read these entries and I felt again the calling that God has on my life. What if we had the voices of 3,000 people sharing their "soul purpose"? Can you imagine the power of those words? Can you imagine the power of that book? Can you IMAGINE????????? My favortie thing to do on Sunday mornings before going to church or doing anything else is to watch my favorite program, "Sunday Morning" on CBS. It keeps me abreast of the world from a cultural, political, spiritual, and sociological perspective. I love it! This morning, I also watched "Meet the Press" and was intrigued by the commentary on the presidential political campaign. A very interesting debate and commentary and race is emerging and I am very eager to see how it